Volonterski kamp u Italiji – Love the mountains

Sačuvajmo šume u Italiji!

Camp location: Lamosano, province of Belluno, Veneto region

Work:  Enviromental

Dates:  28.06-11.07..2017.

Total number of volunteers:      12

Languages:  English

Age:  18-99


Comment about the organization: Legambiente is a non-profit leading environmental organisation in Italy, formed by 20 regional committees and around 1000 local groups.Legambiente mission is to make the environmental culture the centre of a new kind of development and diffused well-being. Important values for the association are the improvement of environmental quality, a wise use of natural resources, the construction of a more balanced relationship between human beings and the nature.

Description project: Volunteers will be asked mostly to take care of pathways, which are very culturally important in the area because each of them leads to old mills and ethnographic sites

Description of work: Volunteers will be involved in environmental activities like cleaning and maintenance of paths and tracks that begin from centre of the village and rise on the hills behind. They will build proper wood signals to improve the usability of paths.

Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in a school (above a kindergarten) in Lamosano. Camp bed are provided (no pillows).

Location and leisure: Alpago is a small friendly community at foot of the Dolomites, a special heritage of biodiversity and landscape. Possible visits: Venice, Belluno, Alps and Lamosano’s surroundings.

Specific requirements:  Predisposition to live, walk and work in the mountains.

Više informacija na: http://www.mis.org.rs/vss-admin/applications/camps_search.php


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