Call for participants in TC “Better together”

Centre for Education and Society Advancement is issuing call for participants from Serbia in the Erasmus+ training course “Better Together”.

Date: 7 -13 November 2016

Place: Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Participating countries:Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Slovakia

Number of participants per country: 4

Financial aspects:Six days accommodation and mealsare fully covered by the project. The travel costswill be reimbursed to the participants upon providing all the original documentation (tickets, invoices etc) up to 275 Euro.


Annual membership fee is to be paid to the Serbian partner organization for those participants who haven’t done it in 2016: 20 Euro prior to the activity.

The project

The main idea of the “Better Together” project is to get together youth workers and experts, coming from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Slovakia and to pilot “Better together” training program, promoting inter-cultural tolerance, combating discrimination and fighting against the stereotype of confrontation, extremism and hate speech among young people, living on the Balkans territory. The training course will also emphasize on the influence of media as a tool for promoting human rights, cultural latitude and No Hate speech movement in the local context. As a result of their collaborative work at the time of the training, the participants should design a sample of an interactive campaign /both on-line and off line/ and create tools/printed and media products/ for its implementation among schools around all participating countries as a follow-up activity.

The main project objectives are:

  • To establish, train and develop a team of youth workers – multipliers of the “Better Together” training program;
  • To support and encourage the development of various products and tools (i.e e-tools) for learning as part of an interactive campaign “Better Together” to promote human rights and tolerance at the Balkans;
  • To establish a network of schools and institutions around 9 Balkan countries, where to test these tools and to disseminate the results of the campaign among at least 1000 young people;
  • The project’s implementation will pass through 3 stages: Preparation, Training course (7-13 November, 2016) and Follow-up campaign in local school and institutions (for at least 4 months after the end of the training course).

The participants profile

  • Age over 20;
  • Occupation: youth workers, NGO leaders and staff members, university students, teachers, volunteers working in youth field;
  • Some experience in the field of youth work (volunteering, participation in youth national or international activities) will be an advantage;
  • Strongly motivated to participate;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Able to present at the whole time of the event

The Venue

The event will take place in the village of Brestnik. Situated at the foot of Rhodope Mountains, in the beginning of the hill “Chernatica” it is only 8 kilometers away from city of Plovdiv.


The training program will be based on the methods of non-formal education and will combine theoretical and practical workshops, individual and group tasks, open spaces, reflections as well as outdoor activities and a trip to the city of Plovdiv. You will receive the draft program by the beginning of November, 2016.

What to prepare in advance

Intercultural evening: The program foresees an intercultural evening. It is up to each delegation to decide how its country and culture should be presented. You can bring samples of food and drinks, make presentations, dances, games etc… Should you want to prepare a power point presentation, please make sure that it does not exceed 3 min.

Follow-up activities:

The project foresees the development of materials (both printed and electronic) for promoting intercultural tolerance in local schools around the participating countries. Taking this in mind, think of some story, example or suggestion you could share with the group in order to support the follow-up local campaigns. Participant with special skills in design and/or marketing and media will be strongly encouraged to lead the sessions for campaigns preparation.

Application form Better Together


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