Future News Worldwide 2017

Future News Worldwide is a unique partnership programme between the British Counciland some of the world’s leading media organisations. It aims to assist young people to develop a wide range of journalism skills and to establish the UK as a global leader in the nurturing of young journalists and media figures. Underlying this, the programme will help build strong and lasting connections to the next generation of media leaders across the globe.

Future News Worldwide 2017

The programme centres around a 2-day annual conference, which will take place at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, on 6th and 7th July 2017.With English as the working language, the conference offers aspiring young journalists from across the world the opportunity to develop practical and editorial skills and hear directly from some of the world’s most high-profile industry leaders.


If you’re a student who’s passionate about journalism then we want to hear from you. Whether you’re a writer, blogger, photographer, radio journalist or work in any other kind of media you can apply for a place at Future News Worldwide 2017 as long as you meet all of the eligibility requirements below.

To apply for a place at Future News Worldwide 2017 you must be:

  • Aged 18-25 on 1st July 2017;
  • A registered university undergraduate student (or have graduated within the last year);
  • Dedicated to a career in journalism, in any form;
  • Able to travel to the UK for the conference on 6th and 7th July 2017;
  • Applicants can come from any region of the world and must speak English at IELTS 6.5 or above.


The conference is fully funded, with the British Council covering the following costs for successful delegates:

  • Conference costs;
  • Travel to and from Edinburgh (including visas if applicable);
  • Meals and accommodation.

Please note: any other costs, such as spending money or tourism, must be borne by the delegates.

How To Apply?

All applicants must complete an online application formThe form is composed of contact details and eligibility questions, followed by two questions designed to test your journalistic skills and interests.

More information on the official website.

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.eu/2017/02/06/future-news-worldwide-2017/#ixzz4Y1GS83iP


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