Tourism International Symposium – Beja, Tunisia

The Tunisian-Mediterranean Association for Historical, Social and Economic Studies and The Tunisian World Center for Studies, Research, and Development will organize the 10th international symposium November 28-30, 2017. The theme of the tenth international symposium will be: Tourism: The phenomenon and its socio-economic consequences.

The theme of “Tourism: The phenomenon and its socio-economic consequences” could be approached from different perspectives, which include:
1. The phenomenon of tourism

  • Definition
  • Conditions of development of the phenomenon of tourism
  • History of international, national and regional tourism
  • Tourist infrastructures and facilities, transport, hotel architecture
  • Tourism and literature
  • Tourism and visual arts
  • Tourism and stereotyping
  • Colonial tourism
  • Cultural tourism, festivals, memorial tourism, industrial tourism, gastronomic tourism, oenological tourism
  • Religious tourism and pilgrimages
  • Creative tourism
  • Medical and health tourism, hydrotherapy
  • Seaside tourism, nature tourism, cruises, winter tourism, holiday villages
  • National park tourism, camping, hiking
  • Amusement parks, playgrounds
  • Sports tourism
  • Business tourism.

2. The economic dimension of tourism

  • Statistics: numbers of tourists, destinations, profits and foreign exchange flows, investments – Sociology of tourism
  • Tourism and employment
  • Indirect activities, construction and public works, trade
  • Tourism organizations: UNWTO, national and regional committees, agencies and tour operators, transport, engineering
  • Tourism regulations and legislation
  • Training for tourism professions
  • Tourism press coverage, books, guides, reviews, travel stories
  • Regional and social inequalities in tourism development
  • Tourism and economic conditions: general economic development, insecurity, terrorism
  • Tourism and the environment: transformations of space, impact on nature, pollution

3. The socio-cultural dimension of tourism

  • Enhancement of heritage, restoration, animation
  • Heritage and modernity
  • Archaeology and management of ancient monuments
  • Art tours
  • Threats to and destruction of, abandonment of, and betrayal of heritage
  • Tourism and cosmopolitanism: evolution of mentalities and mores, appearance of new values, threats to identity
  • Tourism and poverty
  • Sex tourism
  • Resistance of traditional societies to tourism
  • Sustainable and equitable tourism.


  • June 30, 2017: Deadline for submitting proposals to the following email address: [email protected]
  • Participants will receive before July 10, 2017 responses to their proposals and information about the conference registration fees.
  • Deadline for sending the Final Text: November 15, 2017
  • 10th International Symposium: November 28, 29, and 30, 2017 in Beja, TUNISIA

Important notes:

  • Individual proposals: must be a new topic that has not already been published or presented at a scientific symposium.
  • Proposal: Detailed summary: at least one page (font: Times New Roman 12; page margins 2.5 cm, single-spaced), with a detailed and up-to-date C.V.
  • The proposals can be in Arabic, English, French, or Spanish.
  • For abstracts in French or Spanish, a detailed English translation is mandatory (one page at a minimum; font: Times New Roman 12, page margins 2.5 cm, single-spaced).
  • For summaries in Arabic, a detailed translation into English or French is mandatory (one page at a minimum: font: Times New Roman 12, page margins 2.5 cm, single-spaced).
  • The conference proceedings will be published after evaluation by the Scientific Committee

More information about Symposium you can find here.

Registration form for Symposium is here


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