Youth Exchange “Gender in Youth”

People to People Serbia is looking for 3 participants for the Youth Exchange “Gender in Youth”

Work: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities” from 15 – 23 May 2016 in Pogradec, Albania.


Of the project is to raise awareness of youth workers on gender equality aspects through the development of social partnership between organizations from civil society and influence youth association to take action. It seeks to provide information, perspectives and resources for deepening and focusing the emphasis of youth and educational activities which address issues related to gender and their impact in youth work. As well it supports the creation of a stronger network of cooperation among the consortium and provides them with the possibility to increase their capacities and competencies in working with gender related issues, adopt gender strategies into their working agendas and act on local/national level on issues of abuse of gender issues, as human right issues.

All accommodation costs are covered by the organisers, including travel costs up to 80 euro’s.


The profile of the participants:

  • Age: 18-30 years old
  • Actively involved in youth work;
  • Be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole Youth Exchange and to contribute to the development of future projects;
  • To be able to share their experience with the other participants;
  • To be able to communicate on English

 In order to apply for Youth Exchange please send short motivation letter and CV on: [email protected] . Deadline is 7 May 2016.


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