Call for Applications: Internship at European Western Balkans

European Western Balkans, a regional portal on European integration of Western Balkans states, is currently looking for interns.

Students and recent graduates of social sciences from one of the states of the Western Balkans – Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania – are encouraged to apply. Previous work experience or studies on journalism and/or EU-related topics are preferable, but not required.

European Western Balkans

Strong English skills are mandatory, with fluency in more than one language of the Western Balkans (BHS, Macedonian, Albanian) a valuable asset.

Internship at European Western Balkans is online-based, with very flexible work hours. It will last for 3 months, from 1 June to 1 September 2016, with the possibility of an extension. Unfortunately, European Western Balkans is currently not able to provide financial compensation for its interns.

The interns are expected to provide assistance in everyday management of the portal, including writing articles, translating and conducting interviews. Since European Western Balkans aims at expanding and increasing its capacities in every state of the region, interns are also welcome to serve as correspondents from their particular states. The basic task required from an intern is the overview of relevant news published on the websites of European and government institutions in their states and their translation, which amounts to no more than 10 work hours per week. The exact duties and work hours of an individual intern depend on his or her preferences, location and interests.

Please apply by sending your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a motivation letter of no more than 500 words to [email protected]. The CV and the motivation letter must be written in English.

The deadline for submitting applications is Sunday, 15 of May 2016, 23:59 CET. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by the end of May.


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