Volonterski kamp u Finskoj – Circus, Holken August2

Magija u srcu Finske!

Camp location:Tahtela

Work: Culture, Manual work

Dates: 20.08.-02.09.2017.

Number of volunteers: 10

Languages: English

Extra fee: EUR 30

Age: 18-99


Description of work: The volunteers will restore circus tent, circus wagons, exhibition room, furniture, bicycles, establish and keep a herb garden and do various other manual tasks such as garden works. The volunteers will also assist in their small coffee shop, flea market and other events.

Food and accommodation: Holken camps will take place in the surroundings of two old (built in 1886 and 1931) schools in a small village. You can find old buildings, sauna, exhibition building, circus tent and circus wagons as well as a small coffee shop and flea market in the compound. The volunteers will be accommodated in a basic guest room and summer room on mattresses on the floor.

Location and leisture: Nearest airport, Helsinki, is located from 58 km Inkoo. There is a direct bus from Helsinki to Inkoo.Holken camp is situated in the Southern Finland. Inkoo is a small community by the sea and is located within beautiful archipelago and nature.

Requirements: The volunteers need travel insurance for the duration of their stay.

Više informacija na: http://www.mis.org.rs/vss-admin/applications/camps_search.php


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